Guests, including beau Robert Pattinson, snacked on oysters and passed foods, an insider tells Us.Magazine.com. And just around 10 p.m., the birthday girl was presented with a "simple chocolate cake" by a private catering company.
"Rob led the crowd singing for her, and you could tell she was so embarrassed but in a cute way!" says the source. "Everyone was in a good mood, but it was a bittersweet night (as filming is almost complete)."
While the franchise might be wrapping up, Stewart and Pattinson's relationship showed no signs of slowing down.
"Rob and Kristin were together all night," says the insider. "They held hands and he kissed her cheek a bunch of times."
And it seems the actress will definitely have something to remember the night by, a second insider tells Us that everyone pitched in and got her a motorcycle.
"Rob was so excited for Kristen and they each took turns riding it," says the source. "Kristen learned to ride a dirt bike in New Moon so they thought it would be appropriate. Rob was supervising as she sat on it to make sure she was ok. They looked like they were having a great time, and it will be something they can really enjoy!"